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Grounds Services

“Maintaining what exists is just maintaining.  Lots of companies can maintain.  We try to improve, and help a property reach its full potential, budget by budget.”

The Staff and Family at The Green Gang Inc.

We see the typical landscaper out trying to keep up with maintenance, and often they perform a decent job.  We seek excellence with our team.  We don't sit on our hands.  We try to bring you the enhancement designs and quotes each year, and always seek improvements to perfect each property.


“Irrigation systems should work and be efficient.  Wasting water is costly.  With the new technologies that we stay on top of, we can save you money now and down the road.”

Irrigation with The Green Gang Inc.

With our commitment to efficiency and enhancements, comes educating clients how they can reduce their water bill with preventing water loss.  We educate ourselves on new technologies and pass this along.  Internet controlled irrigation systems, and water saving nozzles, are just a start and they can be integrated into systems cost-effectively.

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